Just thought I'd write this document to show what universe Pantsman is set in, and what kind of universe it
is. Short answer : It's really, really messed up. Now this answer would satisfy mere mortals, but not
people like you and me, who want continuity, dammit, so now the long version.... "....As Shao Khan and
Shinnocks forces opened up the dimensional portals to Earth Realm, something occured that they didn't expect. The
very fabric of the multiverse started collapsing, causing different realities to merge. Soon, the Death Star was battling
Unicron, Batman was getting his ass handed to him by Snake-Eyes, and Homer Simpson found himself working for Cobra
Commander . At this point, both the Elder Gods and the Elders of the Universe stepped in to clean up the mess. They
managed to return most realities to normal, but ended up creating several new ones...." These are the words of Raiden.....
One of those realities is the Pantsman Universe, and amalgaman of the GIJOE cartoon, comic and toy universes.
All this while overlapping with several other alt. universes too. As a result, you'll see toy-only characters,
like Sidetrack, cartoon-only characters like Sparks mingling with comic characters. In this universe, GIJOE
is not as covert as in the comic, nor is Cobra. Additionally,several Joes that died in the comic are alive here.
Several stories from both the comic and the toon have happened here, so far referenced, for example, have been the
Millville story and "The Viper Is Coming". GIJOE Headquarters looks like the cartoon HQ, but also
has several undeground floors, like the Pit. (any of them) In the future, it could be that elements from non-Joe
universes are also incorporated, whenever I feel like a cross-over. Some universes are not in the Pantsman one,
though, such as : - The Buffyverse (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) as people commented on Buffy fanfic in "Settling
In" - Power Rangers, as Hawk mentioned it was just a TV show in "Pantsquest - part 1"
- The simpsons, Zartan mentioned watching the show in "Pantsquest, part 2" Who's Who ? AKA
The Order Of Battle..... As we are talking parody, persons in these funfics are dumber than they appear.....
Pantsman Real Name : Classified (AKA, I'm too lazy to look it up) Alt. Codename : Tracker Function :
Superhero Panstman was your everyday Joe (Joe, geddit? Hur Hur) untill one day a knock on the head transformed
him into Pantsman, a vigilante, bent on ridding the world of Cobra. Shortsboy Real Name : Classified Alt.
Codename : Bazooka Function : Superhero Sidekick Shortsboy was together with Tracker in the cave when it collapsed,
and he got the same type of head injury as Tracker, causing him to turn into Pantsman's crimefighting sidekick.
General Hawk Real Name : Clayton Abernathey Alt. Codename : General Tomahawk Function : Joe commander
Hawk allowed Pantsman and Shortboy to operate in Joe Headquarters, at the request of Doc, hoping to bring them back
to their sences, so far, no luck. Clutch Real Name : Classified Alt. Codename : Pornman Function
: victim of jokes Clutch had to give up his private motorpool so that our dynamic duo could build the Pantscave,
their base of operations. Duke/Flint Real Name : Conrad Hauser/Dashiel Faireborne Alt. Codename : Coma Man/Third
Wheel Function : Master Sergeant/Warrant officer (too high up for them ranks) Duke and Flint are Hawks second-in-commands,
and often have to give insights when Hawk makes command decisions, though they are often ignored. Cobra Commander
Real Name : Like I'd know that, ask Warflight Alt. Codename : Ragface/loser Function : Cobra leader (sometimes)
(at gunpoint) Cobra Commander has had a sterling career as leader of the highly successful Cobra organization,
it has only been recently that His plans have been foiled by a new nemesis - Pantsman.